Saturday, January 13, 2007

Journey to Recuerdos de la Alhambra

Learning Tremolo for Classical Guitar through Recuerdos de la Alhambra

I read Douglas Niedt's site on learning the tremolo and it reminded me of a point that we bring up in our publication concerning evenness in the tremolo. We suggest setting the metronome to beat on the p and m strokes. I've noticed in my own practice that my tremolo gets uneven between the a and m fingers. Setting the metronome to beat on both the p and m strokes really helps forge an even tremolo.

With that in mind, I concentrated on that today with the metronome set to 120. I also accented each m stroke and tapped my foot on each m stroke at the same time in order to try to ingrain my sense of pulse.

Niedt's article is a good read. Check it out at the link below.