Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Classical Guitar Tremolo drill evaluated

Learning the tremolo technique through Recuerdos de la Alhambra

I've read in a few places where practicing the tremolo technique in a staccato fashion can be beneficial, but I've never seen any explanation of why this is. So I gave it a try. The idea is to practice p-a-m-i with a metronome at a slow tempo and after each stroke - plant the next finger so that it mutes the sound.

Something like this -

Play thumb - plant ring - play ring - plant middle - play middle - plant index - play index - plant thumb

The real benefit is you will immediately hear how even your tremolo is from finger to finger. I realized that my ring finger was getting back to the string too quickly after my thumb had played. This became apparent because the thumb stroke was caught off too soon by the ring finger planting.

Anyhow, sometimes you have to try things out before you realize their benefit. Give this drill a try and you will discover how even your tremolo really is.