Friday, January 19, 2007

How aware are you of what you really sound like?

What separates good players from average ones may be as simple as differences in self awareness. How aware are of you of what you are playing? I bring this up because I'm currently working on Bach's Fugue from BWV 998. At a recent lesson, it became clear that I had been skipping over trouble spots in practice. I had taken the attitude that these trouble spots would work themselves out over time. Instead, I had been practicing them into the piece so that when I came to the spot(s), there would be a break/pause in the music until I could grab the chord and move on.

My instructor brought up a helpful analogy. In teaching students to strum chords, he would tell them to never let their right hand (strumming hand) slow down so that the left hand could catch up with the next chord. Your better off slowing down the tempo of the entire chord pattern or piece to the point where you can play it without breaking the rhythm.

I mention this so that when you add the left hand to the mix in learning Recuerdos - don't create breaks in the tremolo so that you can take time to grab a difficult chord or left hand fingering. If that's the case then slow down to where you can get the chord/fingering without pausing or breaking the tremolo. Otherwise, you risk learning the piece with the breaks/pauses you are taking.

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